
Fusion Solution for Defence and Intelligence

Welcome to Intfuzon: Your Ultimate solution for real-time data management and analysis in secure environments.

Fusion Solution for Defence and Intelligence

Intfuzon is a state-of-the-art product meticulously designed to meet the demanding needs of defence and law enforcement agencies. With its robust features and cutting-edge capabilities, Intfuzon empowers users to handle large volumes of live-streamed data seamlessly while ensuring the highest level of security and efficiency.

Crafted for defence and law enforcement agencies, Intfuzon is air-gapped and built to meet the highest security standards, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.

Key Features

Real-Time Data Handling

Real-Time Data Handling

Manages large data volumes live-streamed, including coordination data, SMS, forensic files and/or OSINT data, enabling users to stay ahead of evolving situations and make informed decisions in real-time.

User-Defined Filters

User-Defined Filters

User-defined filters on input data to customize their data streams for relevant information and reduce noise effectively.

Custom Data Tables

Custom Data Tables

User-defined data tables to organize and analyze data efficiently based on their specific requirements and workflows.

GIS Manager

GIS Manager

Create areas of interest (AOIs), import various geographic data formats such as KML, SHP, GeoTIFF, DEMs and Export AOIs.

User-Defined Query Builder

User-Defined Query Builder

Create complex queries tailored to their investigative needs and objectives.

Data Export

Data Export

Export Data On Demand or through Automated jobs in a format of your choice – JSOn, CSV, XML.

Offline Maps

Offline Maps

All map features like zooming and panning facilities available offline in an air-gapped environment.

Subject of Interest Identification

Subject of Interest Identification

Track Subjects of Interest for different kinds of data and their live movements on map.

Link Analysis

Link Analysis

Inspect spatial and temporal connections upto 5th level of interaction between various entities for detailed relationships.

Inbuilt Translation Engine

Inbuilt Translation Engine

inbuilt translation engine for SMS and text data, breaking down language barriers, ensuring seamless communication and analysis.

Record Baskets

Record Baskets

Add important records to user defined baskets for further analysis.

Peer-to-Peer Sharing

Peer-to-Peer Sharing

Peer-to-peer sharing of resources and assets, enabling seamless collaboration and information exchange between authorized users.

Real-Time Health Monitoring

Real-Time Health Monitoring

Real-time health monitoring, ensuring system integrity and reliability even in the most demanding operational environments.

Detailed Visualization

Detailed Visualization

Detailed visualization through customizable dashboards, enabling users to gain actionable insights and make data-driven decisions effectively.