
Data Analysis Solution for Defence and Intelligence

Your ultimate solution for managing massive data volumes with advanced distributed computing and comprehensive reporting capabilities, specially crafted for intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

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Data Analysis Solution for Defence and Intelligence

Approved by Government e-Marketplace (India), NOSTRA is a cutting-edge product designed to tackle the challenges of handling immense live streamed data volumes efficiently. With state-of-the-art features and intelligent functionalities, NOSTRA empowers organizations to sift through various data types seamlessly, including Emails, FAX, Chats, Voice Calls, SMS, and IP Data.

NOSTRA harnesses advanced distributed computing capabilities by optimizing servers, distributing processing tasks across multiple servers to maximize performance and scalability. This approach ensures effective management of even the largest data volumes. Additionally, NOSTRA’s high extensibility facilitates seamless integration with NLP engines, speech bio-metrics, translation, and transcription modules, enhancing its capabilities and flexibility.

Key Features

Inbuilt Data Filters

Inbuilt Data Filters

Enable categorization and organization of different data types, streamline process of data management.

Intelligent Workflow

Intelligent Workflow

Facilitates movement of selected data to different levels of operators, ensuring optimal resource allocation and task management.

Unified Preview

Unified Preview

Conveniently preview content of Emails, FAX, Chats, SMS, and IP Data with a single click, all within a unified window for seamless operations.

Voice Call Management

Voice Call Management

Play voice calls voice segments to identify and analyze relevant information.

Keyword Integration

Keyword Integration

Add keywords to different content types for enhanced link analysis and pattern recognition, empowering users to uncover valuable insights quickly.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Enables users to efficiently navigate through vast amounts of data, facilitating quick and targeted information retrieval.

Archiving Facility

Archiving Facility

Robust archiving capabilities, allowing users to save important data along with metadata and content files for future reference and analysis.

Subject Identification

Subject Identification

Identify subjects of interest within the data, providing valuable insights for investigative purposes through advanced algorithms.

Knowledge Base Maintenance

Knowledge Base Maintenance

Automated updated comprehensive knowledge base, ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date information.



comprehensive automated and on demand reporting features to analyze historical trends, patterns, and anomalies of content and users.